Taeho Kwak

 Designer/ Artist/ Engineer


Everything I do I believe in challenging the status quo.
I believe that I can help them, and that I have the power to change the entire world.
I believe thanks to this, I can produce the work that can go out to the outer world and our lives will be dispersed elsewhere all over the world.

The way I challenge the status quo is to collect artists and designers to help them.
Thus the group has come into being.
Wouldn`t you come along and join us?

Evolu/ painter


2013.2. fashion brand R.SHEMISTE spring edition 'A PIRATE'S TREASURE CHEST' artbook design
2013.8 funk jazz band SOUL SUMMIT 1st 'UP&DOWN' album design
2014.3 contrabassist 조후찬 bocal project WHO'S MONDAY single album 'blooming' design
2014.5 musical 춘우(봄비) album design
2014.8 vocalist 구윤회 1st single album 청춘예찬 design

2014.10 pianist sodam 1st single album 'a sorrowful story' design
2015.1 vocalist 구윤회 2nd single album 'starry night' design
2015.4 acustic band nine o'colok single album 'still' design
2015.6 drummer from.p 1st single album '#그녀가 번지다' design
2015.9 drummer from.p 2nd single album '할 수 없는 말' design

@Copyright 2016 c Taeho